Alberta Human Rights Commission Appoints New Members

By Order in Council dated June 20, 2024, the Lieutenant Governor in Council has appointed five new members and reappointed five existing members to serve as members of the Alberta Human Rights Commission.

New members - Term to expire on June 19, 2027

  • Rabie Ahmed Abdelhamid
  • Dana Christianson
  • Shawn Leclerc
  • Leigh Sherry
  • Rod Wiltshire

Existing members reappointed:

  • Karen Scott - Effective June 29, 2024; expiring June 28, 2027
  • C. Nduka Ahanonu - Effective August 21, 2024; expiring August 20, 2027
  • Sandra Badejo - Effective August 21, 2024; expiring August 20, 2027
  • Dr. Evaristus A. Oshionebo - Effective August 21, 2024; expiring August 20, 2027
  • Wilma Shim - Effective August 21, 2024; expiring August 20, 2027

Additionally and under separate Order in Council dated June 20, 2024, Nicholas Milliken was appointed the Director of the Alberta Human Rights Commission for a term effective July 5, 2024 to expire July 4, 2027.

About the Commission

The Alberta Human Rights Commission, an independent agency with a mandate to promote equality and reduce discrimination, was established under the Alberta Human Rights Act and reports through the Ministry of Justice and Solicitor General. 

The mandate is carried out through community projects, public education, and by resolving and settling discrimination complaints through hearings before the Alberta Human Rights Tribunal.