Steven Dollansky


Steven Dollansky

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Steven Dollansky has built a reputation for understanding and managing complex situations. He is an experienced litigator, offering sound and strategic advice in the area of labour and employment law, as well as political, Indigenous, administrative, and constitutional law.

In his labour and employment practice, Steven advises employers on workplace matters, including labour relations, human rights, dismissals, performance management, policy development, and occupational health and safety issues. He takes the time to ensure his clients fully understand each step of the litigation process, as well as the broader legal implications of their decisions. 

Widely recognized for his skill and understanding of political law, he is a trusted advisor to clients that include electoral candidates at various levels of government, First Nations, corporations, and individuals looking to shape public policy as third-party advertisers. He advises clients on all aspects of the political process, including elections legislation compliance and electoral financing rules. As an active participant in the political arena, he understands the importance of establishing clear goals, developing a concise narrative, and executing on a strategy to achieve results.

Steven also advises clients both inside and outside government on issues of ethics, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and sensitive political matters, and he understands the reputational and strategic significance of these issues. He regularly advises corporate executives and lobbyists on registration requirements and enforcement proceedings and assists public bodies and officials with government accountability and public-sector conflict of interest issues.

In Indigenous law matters, Steven advises on structuring accountable and efficient operations that consider the unique customs and realities faced by each nation. He provides advice and representation on operational policies and procedures, labour and employment issues, economic development structures, band council governance, and elections.

Steven’s administrative law practice includes representing clients before various administrative tribunals and, when necessary, reviewing tribunal decisions before the courts. Steven has particular experience with tax assessment appeals and has represented institutional and individual property owners before assessment review boards and at the Court of King's Bench and Court of Appeal.

In the constitutional law arena, Steven has represented clients in a range of matters that relate to the division of powers between governments. This includes the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act reference as well as a number of matters arising from his labour and employment and indigenous practices.

Outside of his legal practice, Steven is heavily involved in the Edmonton community and believes strongly in community service. He supports a wide range of causes that help make the city a better place to live, work, and play.